Your Ant Control Professionals

Say Goodbye to Ants with Safe and Effective Methods

Types of Ants

There are over 12,000 species of ants, each with unique characteristics and behaviors. However, most ants fall into one of three categories: worker ants, soldier ants, and queen ants. Worker ants are responsible for gathering food, caring for the young, and maintaining the nest. Soldier ants defend the colony and may also help with food gathering. Queen ants are responsible for laying eggs and ensuring the survival of the colony.

Ants can be further classified based on their nesting habits. Some ants, like carpenter ants, create nests in wood and can cause significant damage to buildings. Other ants, like pavement ants, create nests in soil or pavement and can be found in urban areas. Ants can also be classified based on their diet, with some ants preferring sugary foods and others preferring protein-rich foods.

Did You Know?

Ants are fascinating insects that can be found all over the world, from the rainforests of South America to the deserts of Australia. They are highly social creatures that live in colonies, with each ant performing specific roles to help the colony survive and thrive. However, when ants invade our homes or gardens, they can quickly become a nuisance.

Effective Ant Control

Eco-Friendly Pest Control will find the best solution that works for your situation, whether it’s using a clear, odorless, non-staining ant gel, physical barriers, or baiting, and come back until the ant problem is completely gone. 

Ants are fascinating insects that can be both beneficial and problematic. While it's important to respect their role in the ecosystem, it's also important to control them when they become a nuisance. By using a company like Eco-Friendly Pest Control, you can effectively manage an ant infestation without harming the environment.

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Dangers Of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are a common type of ant that can cause significant damage to wood structures in your home. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood, but they do excavate it to create their nests. If left untreated, a carpenter ant infestation can cause structural damage to your home.

Here are some tips on how to spot carpenter ants:

  1. Look for Ants: The most obvious way to spot carpenter ants is to look for them. Carpenter ants are larger than most other ants, ranging in size from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch in length. They are typically black, but can also be red or brown. You may see individual ants, or you may see a trail of ants traveling between their nest and a food source.
  2. Look for Sawdust: Carpenter ants create tunnels in wood by chewing through it, which can produce sawdust or wood shavings. Look for small piles of sawdust around your home, particularly near windows, doors, or areas where wood comes into contact with the ground.
  3. Listen for Noises: If you suspect you have a carpenter ant infestation, listen for faint rustling or rustling sounds coming from the walls. These noises are the result of the ants excavating wood to create their nests.
  4. Look for Damage: Carpenter ants can cause significant damage to wood structures, particularly if the infestation is left untreated. Look for hollow or damaged wood in your home, particularly in areas that are prone to moisture, such as around windows or in the basement.
  5. Check Outside: Carpenter ants often create their nests in outdoor wood structures, such as trees, stumps, or wood piles. Check these areas for signs of carpenter ants, such as ants crawling on the surface or small piles of sawdust.

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Say Goodbye to Ants

Don’t let ants ruin your peace of mind. Call Eco-Friendly Pest Control today to provide a customized solution for your home or garden and say goodbye to your ant problems for good. 

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