Pest Library

Learn About Common Pests in Your Area Ants Bed Bugs Beetles Cockroaches Fleas Mites Mosquitoes Rodents Spiders Stinging Pests

Are you dealing with bugs or rodents in your yard or in your home? Use this quick reference page to find out what threats those pests may present to you, your family, and your property. Here are some of the most common pests you may find around your property.


Ants are fascinating insects that can be found all over the world, from the rainforests of South America to the deserts of Australia. They are highly social creatures that live in colonies, with each ant performing specific roles to help the colony survive and thrive. However, when ants invade our homes or gardens, they can quickly become a nuisance.

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Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a type of small, wingless insect that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are typically found in beds, furniture, and clothing, but they can also be found in other places like hotels, airplanes, and movie theaters. Bed bugs are not known to transmit disease, but their bites can cause itching, swelling, and in some cases, an allergic reaction.

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& Millipedes

Centipedes and millipedes are two types of arthropods that are often found in homes and gardens. While they may look similar at first glance, they have different behaviors and habits that set them apart. While both centipedes and millipedes can be a nuisance, they can also be beneficial to the environment. On this page, we'll take a closer look at these fascinating creatures and how to deal with them in an eco-friendly way.

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Did you know cockroaches are known to be over 200 million years old?! There are over 4,000 species of cockroaches, but only a few of them are considered household pests. 

The most common types of cockroaches found in homes include the American cockroach, the German cockroach, and the Oriental cockroach. 

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Earwigs are small, brown insects with long antennae and pincers on their abdomens. They are nocturnal creatures that feed on a variety of insects and plants. While they are often found outside in gardens and under rocks, they can also make their way into homes in search of food, shelter, and moisture.

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Flies are a common pest that can be a nuisance and a health hazard. They are attracted to food and waste, and can spread diseases such as salmonella, cholera, and dysentery. While it is important to control their population, it is equally important to do so in an eco-friendly way.

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Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They are usually found on pets like dogs and cats but can also infest homes and other areas. Fleas can jump up to 7 inches high and 13 inches horizontally, allowing them to easily move from one host to another.

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Mosquitoes are pesky insects that can ruin outdoor activities and transmit diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, and malaria. Mosquitoes are attracted to standing water, so if you have any water sources around your property, you are likely to have a mosquito problem.

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There are over 45,000 species of spiders, but only a few of them are commonly found in homes. Some of the most common types of household spiders include the brown recluse spider, the black widow spider, the house spider, and the wolf spider. Each of these species has unique characteristics and behaviors, but they all play an important role in controlling populations of other insects.

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Stinging Pests

While wasps and bees can be beneficial for our environment by pollinating plants and preying on other insects, they can also pose a danger to humans. If you're dealing with a wasp or bee infestation, it's important to address the problem quickly and effectively, without harming the environment.

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