Bed Bug Control

Eco-Friendly Pest Control provides a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. Every service is provided to your highest level of satisfaction. 

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are a type of small, wingless insect that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are typically found in beds, furniture, and clothing, but they can also be found in other places like hotels, airplanes, and movie theaters. Bed bugs are not known to transmit disease, but their bites can cause itching, swelling, and in some cases, an allergic reaction.

The signs of a bed bug infestation include itchy, red bites on your skin, small brownish-red spots on your bedding or furniture, and a sweet, musty odor in the infested area. If you suspect you have bed bugs, it's important to take action right away to prevent the infestation from spreading.

How To Spot Bed Bugs

  • Look for signs of bites: Bed bugs typically feed on human blood, leaving behind small, red, itchy bites in clusters or rows on the skin. If you wake up with unexplained bites, especially around your arms, legs, and neck, it could be a sign of a bed bug infestation.

  • Check your bedding: Bed bugs are tiny, flat insects that hide in cracks and crevices, including in your bedding. Look for reddish-brown or black spots on your sheets, pillowcases, and mattress cover. These spots are usually bed bug feces or blood spots from crushed bed bugs.

  • Inspect your mattress and box spring: Lift up your mattress and box spring and look for signs of bed bugs, such as live bugs, shed skins, or small white eggs. Bed bugs are often found in the seams, corners, and folds of your bedding.

  • Check your furniture: Bed bugs can also hide in furniture, especially in the seams and cushions of chairs and couches. Look for signs of bed bugs on any upholstered furniture in your home, including bite marks, fecal spots, or live bugs.

  • Use a flashlight: Bed bugs are nocturnal and are often most active at night, so it can be hard to spot them during the day. Use a bright flashlight to look for bed bugs in dark corners and crevices.

  • Look for a musty odor: Bed bugs release a distinctive, sweet, musty odor that can be detected if the infestation is severe. If you notice a strange odor in your home, it could be a sign of a bed bug infestation.

Remember that early detection is key to getting rid of bed bugs, so if you suspect an infestation, it's important to act quickly. Contact a pest control professional who specializes in eco-friendly treatments to help you get rid of bed bugs safely and effectively.

How To Prevent?

To prevent bed bugs from infesting your home in the first place, it's important to take some precautions.

These include:

  1. Inspecting second-hand furniture and clothing before bringing them into your home.
  2. Using a protective cover on your mattress and box spring.
  3. Keeping your home clutter-free to reduce hiding places for bed bugs.
  4. Regularly inspecting and vacuuming your home.

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What To Do?

Once you spot bed bugs, there are a few things you could do, including:

  • Cleaning and vacuuming: Regularly cleaning and vacuuming your home can help remove bed bugs and their eggs.

  • Using hot water: Washing bedding, clothing, and other fabrics in hot water can help kill bed bugs.

  • Hiring a professional exterminator: If you're seeing signs of bed bugs, it may be necessary to hire a professional exterminator to help get rid of the bed bugs. Call Eco-Friendly Pest Control today with your bed bug needs!

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